
By 1bluebell

a day in the life

of having the grandchildren

this is a bad shot of a leaf cutter ant in the Natural History Museum.

We went the Museum today and I am so thankful that we pre booked Tickets to see the ice age exhibition (link here) as it meant we could walk to the front of the queue to get into the museum. that was over an hour long! It was really worth the money. It was very well presented for all ages.

there was avery long hour queue for the dinosaur hall which the girls wanted to see but we gave it a miss and went to the creepy crawlies and then the volcano and earthquake exhibition.

Now home and decided to pick some more figs. sadly a fig leaf went into my eye. my eye is very sore and feels funny. hope it will be ok as i was given a very clean bill of health by the optometrist today.( Note to self-be more careful when picking the figs)

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