
By frallan

Fair cop!

Had a great day with Ben and Nicola.
It was their summer holiday visit. We spent the day visiting Ambleside.

We caught the train to Windermere and then the open top bus to Ambleside.
(Train delayed and the heavens opened when we were on the bus!!!!)
The best part of the day was the walk up to Stockghyll Force, Ben was in charge and lead the way. The waterfall was very impressive.
Then we walked to Waterhead where we had some refreshments and watched the boats arrive from Bowness.
The return journey was a bit of a nightmare, we waited ages for the open top bus and ended up missing the train to take us home.

But we all agreed that we had a BRILLIANT time.

We are already planning our next adventure.

This photo was taken when we stopped off at Hayes Garden Centre and we came across this friendly policeman.

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