
By cracker


Mum had her operation yesterday but the doctor didn't come around until this morning. They were able to put the catheter in through her liver to drain the bike to the outside but they also put the stent in as well which was good. They will wait until Monday to make sure it's all ok then take the catheter out and stitch her up.

They also did some scans while they were at it and the tumor is nearly blocking her stomach outlet so they will see if they can put a stent in there to keep it open. It seems to be growing pretty quickly, it was only three or four months ago that she was fine, then it was 2 months of her not being to eat and losing weight before she went to the doctor. Now it's taken 6 weeks or so to get to this point and we still don't know whether chemo or radiation is an option. I imagine not. We are just taking it one day at a time.

We are having Spence's friend Dom for a sleepover tonight so hopefully the boys are lovely!

I have finished my Real Estate License course! Now I can work in our Buyer's Agency and legally do more stuff! It was good.

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