A newbie.......

It isn't often I find a butterfly to blip, that I haven't blipped at some stage before, but today was one of those wonderful days!
I went for a quick look round my favourite meadow this afternoon, having spent ALL morning uploading my records to irecord.... and that is just July and August 2014! goodness knows how long the whole 5 years worth is going to take!!!
When I got to my meadow I found a Painted lady butterfly right next to my car, my first of 2014. It seems this year isn't going to be a bumper year for them :-(
Once through the meadow gate I was immediately struck by how far on the season is this year....everything is already over, seed set ready for winter...it honestly felt like the middle of September....I can really 'feel' autumn in the air, and I was feeling very sad....and then! I noticed this lovely little Brown argus butterfly (Aricia agetis) just sitting on a dead seedhead, wings open, soaking up what was left of the ever diminishing sunshine.
Like Patrick Barkham (the author of 'The Butterfly Isles' ) I also love these little butterflies, they look a lot like female common blues, but they have slightly more angular wings, are brown with no blue and are heaps more feisty!
They are found in chalk and limestone habitats typically in the south, but also occur in a variety of other open habitats as far north as Yorkshire and North wales.
I hate this feeling of impending doom, as winter is not my favourite time, hopefully the weather will improve for the remainder of my holiday.

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