
This is my 4th SoulCollage card. I'm calling it "Time". I have been thinking a lot about time lately. I have been dealing with resentment. Not proud of it but it is how it is. Actually I'm getting better because I use to have a lot of angry. Now it's turned into resentment. I read somewhere resentment will leave when it's ready to leave. Time is what it takes. I also read in the same place that leaves just don't fall off fall trees at one time. It takes leaf by leaf. I like that metaphor. So this collage is kinda dedicated to that. The chair is there because I will sit and wait, I will be patient, and let time do it's thing. The camera is there because I love to capture time through my photography, and I will have fun, waiting on time. The journal is there because I will journal my way through it. And the forrest in the background, are the leaves doing their thing, falling off their trees in their own time.

Than I got to thinking about time in the way that sometimes I just feel that there is not enough in a day at times to do what I want to do. Maybe a better name for my collage should be "time confusion". Like I said this is my fourth SoulCollage and I love doing them. Such fun, so intuitive. My favorite part of SoulCollaging is how it comes together and tells a story.

Photos of my other three SoulCollage Cards if you care;

July 12th...Stormy Skies
August 6th...Beach Day
August 10th...Crescent Moon

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