bucks life

By bucksmiss

Beach day

I awoke at 7.30am and read til 9. I was still the first up by half an hour or so! We enjoyed a lazy morning at home, not least because the weather was rather cloudy.

We made a picnic then took our beach stuff straight out to the beach as the tide was on its way out. We set up camp under the cliffs as that was the least windy place. For the first hour or so it was still pretty cool as the sun wasn't forthcoming but after lunch it gradually cleared and we had some lovely sunshine.

I went in the water twice to dodge the waves. The second time 12 year old J came in with me with her body board and I was most impressed by her confidence. We had a whale of a time but then got a bit cold so came back to the flat for showers.

We had a splendid fish and chip supper from the chippy below us and watched a film called 'The Secret Life of Bees' which turned out sadder and more serious than we'd expected.

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