Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Daytime fireworks

Full on fringe day today with J&A. They started earlier than me with a political thing, which I didn't fancy. Turned out to be very good.
Had lunch and then headed up to the Pleasant’s for My Obsession. A 30min play with Paul Merton and his wife about an obsessed fan who breaks into his hotel room. Written by his wife it was very funny. We got an added bonus of Ian Hislop in the audience as well.
From there it was a beer before going to Paul Merton’s Impro Chums. Again very good and had Josie Lawrence as a guest start that day.
Came back home for tea of pizza and pasta before heading to the purple cow for Frisky and Mannish. Very good as normal. Holiday dad was in tears so must have been good.
SF turned up while we were in the Whiski bar having a drink before the last show of the night. Saw 50 Shades the musical parody. Much better than expected.
Back home for a dram and cheese to catch up with SF. Just as we headed to the Whiski bar the fireworks for the first show on Saturday went off so here they are. Not as good as the full night time ones but needed a blip.

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