
By cowgirl

Ickle Prickle!

First thing this morning Sav came knocking on the bathroom door as I was about to step into the shower. " oh now what! " - kept that in my head, managed not to say it out loud! Anyway, I opened the door and there he stood with this little hedgehog in the palm of his hand. Cute!

Once dressed I got the strimmer out and gave our little lawn a tidy up. Then we went off to Bruton where my favourite framer lives, to get the Moggy picture framed. Turned out to be quite a mission as Bruton has been cut of from civilisation by road works. Getting to the framers, on the other side of the small town, involved winding our way along tiny country lanes trying to navigate around to the other side. ( There were diversion signs, Sav chose to ignore them, didn't remind him of that decision as he was huffing and puffing about how many miles we would have done by the time we got there! ).

However, we discovered a new coffee shop had opened next door to the framers ( there is a god! ) and damn, he does good coffee! It's called " Bean Shot? "! We got chatting to the owner, who is originally from Sydney, and showed him some of Sav 's pictures that Sav has on his phone ( I don't care if I bore people showing him off! ). The owner took one of Sav's business cards as he is interested in commissioning some work for his new coffee labels ( he sells coffee beans too ).

Whilst we were there, a young couple came in to ask for a taxi number as they needed to get to a small music festival in a field somewhere nearby. It took a while to find a number and when rung they didn't have anyone to pick them up. Meanwhile, Sav googled the place and saw it was more or less on our way home ( bearing in mind we needed to take a detour to get back onto the road home ), so we took them there. Although only 11 mins away if Bruton town wasn't all dug up, it took us twice as long to get there, so lucky the taxi didn't turn as it would have cost them a fortune. They were happy bunnies when we dropped them off!

The day didn't end there! Sav then took us into Trowbridge, to Currys, where he bought me an Apple iPad Air !!! He's taken on my Sony Xperia, so now we're both sitting on the sofa tapping away on tablets ... We may never have to speak to one another again - our relationship will last forever!!

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