Behind Blue Eyes

Well, maybe brown eyes.
Didn't take many photos today, so wandered down to the lake for inspiration, but Dylan behind the gate was the best. Bit worried. Most of the skin growths are diminishing apart from one on his back, which is like a golf ball.

Mme SwRo's sister is here so we went to Morges this morning, a town along the lake. It has a very good market which the ladies enjoyed whilst the guys (me and Dylan) went for a walk on the lake and smelt some good stuff (Me) and listened to the latest Marathon Talk podcast (Dylan) . Or maybe it was the other way around?

Came back, mowed the weeds, went to the tip, went for a little run, felt good, so did 21k. After 10k, I stopped at a fountain and a young lady whizzed past. Couldn't have that, so raced to overtake her and then spent 5k making sure she stayed behind. Fortunately she eventually took a different route so I could slow down.

Feeling a bit tired now. Happy Sunday!

The Who of course.

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