Airedale Success!

Another day, another country. Welsh Wales and a trip to the the Welsh Kennel Club dog show. It was huge, like a full blown agricultural show but just with dogs! So there were three of us at our first ever dog show; me, S and wee Jefferson who won Best Puppy in Breed, pretty damned impressive he was too. Think there's a future champion lurking in there; Barbara will be hoping so that's for sure.

There were dog breeds galore, most of which I couldn't identify and, with one or two exceptions (Cairn terriers, Fox terriers to name a couple), they were all pretty laid back. This was the middle day of the show - hounds were yesterday, field dogs tomorrow - which means there must be dozens of other breeds that would leave me bamboozled. We did get to meet a couple of TV stars though - Scotties that had led out teams at the Commonwealth Games the other week. It was back to reality for them today!!

Headed out for a wee celebration at the local pub afterwards. Good food, decent beer, better argument about politics (both Scottish and British of course) with just the right amount of aggro to make the waitress nervous. A good day out!

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