
By grannygrant

Rose tinted

I have had a lovely day.
I went to collect my new glasses and i was a little disappointed with the tint. They were practically clear. The young woman took my old glasses and said to give them two hours and they would try to match them. They had to heat up the tinting bath apparently.
I went to visit Celia in the florist, she had given me a reference so I had printed some pictures of my gorgeous grand daughters to show her. My goodness can she talk! She then, hilariously, said I should call next time so she could make time for me.
When i went back to the optician a poor trainee was confused by dispensing two pairs of glasses in a package and no case. I reassured him it was OK. The new tint was just what I wanted. He wondered why I had the tint, i said " just look at my face. Do they make me smile?" They are perfect, Martin agreed when I came home wearing them.
Back home we had a skype call from Mairead, Euan and Ivy. Ivy consumed a banana and was delightful as were her parents.
Martin made steak and chips for tea. Fabulous with his bernaise sauce. We then had out weekly game of crib'. We are switching Saturdays and sundays as I work 3 to 7 on sundays
I had the best hand ever on the first deel, (4,4,5,6 and a turned 5 with 2 court cards in my box) poor martin, the game was won on the first deel!
I did say it was my turn to win, but then i always do.
Oh and my favourite malt was on offer and I had it on my list and i had to collect a parcel from the post office, it was a cake of soap with an integral brush and, brilliantly, you stand it on the brush to keep the soap from going slimy. Genious!

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