Fattening Up

Well, as fat as a hummingbird can get in preparation for that long migration in the fall. The hummers have really increased in numbers in the last week and are quite aggressively feeding, so it must be that time of year... Though, as with most things this year, it seems a little early.

It was a rainy, dark day and during a break in the drops I set out to find a blip. Technically, it was the wrong sort of day for a hummingbird shot. (They probably even describe conditions like today in a photography textbook somewhere, under the heading: "How NOT to take an image of a hummingbird.") Very little light, a dark background and fast moving objects just don't mix. But it was fun to watch them and I came away with a couple of passable shots. And since they were the only shots of the day, this one made the cut! ;-) She sure is a beautiful little thing though...

Feather detail.

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