tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Dew berries

The sunshine was dazzling at 7am but by the time I had flung on my clothes and dashed outside the light show was over and moisture filled the air.

These dewy berries may in fact be dewberries. Rubus caesius is a close relation of the blackberry but weaker and floppier in its growth. The berries appear less organized both in their clustering on the stem and in the random arrangement of the drupelets on the fruit: it's the slacker version of its more vigorous, rampant cousin.

Dewberry flowers are white, not pink, and appear earlier. The berries often have a characteristic bloom which makes them look blue (although these don't).
At least they both taste identical and can all go into the same pie.
Autumn is waiting in the wings.

Guess where the inspiration for barbed wire came from? (An earlier blip of mine gives the game away.)

Some of you may have noticed I have a new camera, an impulsive indulgence otherwise known as a Canon PowerShot 700. I was pleased with the detail it captured on this macro image.

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