Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Staff night out

The store is doing very well this year. All sales targets are being smashed, as a reward I decided to take the staff for a night out to celebrate.
I also bought this might help improve morale, I'm not the most popular boss after making some much needed changes to the way the business operates.
We met in Aitches Ale House for a few pre dinner drinks, then headed to Cosmos. Everyone had a good meal, and the drinks were flowing. One member of my team has handed in his notice recently. Specifically because of the changes I'm making to the depot. The conversation turned to why he was leaving and as tempted as I was to point out that every single thing he was saying was wrong and out right stupid, I let it pass. I simply paid the bill, and bid everyone a good night. It's not easy being the boss. Unfortunately for some of the staff, I have started getting my store running the way it always should have been. Meaning staff who haven't been pulling their weight are not happy at being forced to do what it actually says in in their job description. I sense further trouble ahead in the short term, but long term the store will benefit greatly. I've got no room for passengers. Either contribute your fair share, or fuck off!!

Sorry, this was meant to be a nice wee blip about our night out. It turned into me moaning about some of my staff and their lack of professionalism, manners and fucking brains. I promise my next blip will be much more upbeat.

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