... well what a fun Blip Meet today!

Organised by Walking Wombat aka Barb you can see the list of Blippers who met from far and wide.

Caught this shot of Barb & David out on Wombat Rock. Wow, what a place WW and CCN live, and thanks for a top day.

Barb finished up taking Newcastle Downunder aka Jen and myself out to Hargreaves Lookout as we left to come home. As we arrived this rainbow was in the valley so it is my pick from the day.

Took a heap of shots but liked Bottlebrush which was sparkling from the rain earlier in the day.

Thanks again for the company to you all, Wendy and I had a wonderful time.

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE and see if you can spot the faintest part of the second rainbow and the "pot of gold"!

Apologies probably will not catch up till tomorrow with comments.

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