A smile

Today's highlight? A three-year-old girl at church who has Edwards' Syndrome smiling at her father. Such a beatific smile. One of recognition and of joy. I couldn't help but smile too.

Today's lowlight? Intense emotions that I didn't know what to do with. I felt like a teenager again and it was horrible. All nicely packed up for the night now, fortunately. I guess that's the difference between being in your thirties and being a teenager. You can eventually reason your way out of it without the hormones taking over.

Thank you for your kind comments on yesterday's blip.

Despite petrol being an expensive commodity, Cousteau and I went on a little mystery tour after Mass this evening and found ourselves at our old haunt, New Brighton Pier.

No tripod and failing light made it a pretty short photo opp, but it felt good to get out and about again.


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