a new year!

By Thesalh70

C is for...

....canal. Actually the Erewash Canal

The canal was built largely to bring coal out of the Erewash Valley pits and down to the river Trent for onward trade to Nottingham and Leicester; it was profitable with £100 shares selling at £1300 and a maximum dividend of 78%. It initially served the many 'bell' pits between Ilkeston and Langley Mill, with horse-tramways bringing coal to waterside wharves at several points that are now rural areas. From Ilkeston downwards, there were major iron works at Cotmanhay, Stanton and Trent Lock. Smelting continued at Stanton until the 1970s but iron pipes are still made and token loads were carried by narrow boat for the Devizes back-pumping scheme in 1995.

Coal owners were the original proprietors of the canal and Robert Barber and Thomas Walker who later formed the Barber Walker Colliery Company were commissionaires of the canal, sorting out problems and arguments with the various boat owners. They were also proprietors of the Cromford and Nottingham Canals, which joined the top end of the Erewash Canal in 1794. Others were Benjamin Outram and William Jessop, who formed the Butterley Company and had extensive iron and coal interests further up the valley.

enjoyed my little jaunt down there this afternoon, met an old chap who was telling me some of the history of the canal.

a lovely Sunday, and felt spritely after last nights BBQ. Nice long walk to the woods with Pete, and then off out and about. Had a wedding meeting with a couple, and got a very exciting project to think about for their wedding in November....getting my creative thinking cap on!!

finished off Sunday with a proper Roast Lamb dinner...have lived on salads and eating outdoors for weeks, so was nice to slam in the lamb!

busy week ahead. two days at work, then photos in Brum Wednesday, and two weddings, Thursday and Friday! love it!

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