Life as it happens:)

By Bushbaby76


Sad times, we have left Waxham :(

We have had an amazing 4 days, the best holiday ever x
Back to basics, I felt like I did as a child, my dad used to take me on camping trips on real hippy sites, this was just the same x
The hippy in me was reignited and I couldn't feel happier x
I have learnt a lot about myself over the few days and I feel I have changed, work will no longer rule me, I work for myself so why do I let people and things upset me, I can say when, where etc x

Anyhow we plan to go back to Waxham next yr for 2 weeks or more x
We met some incredible people who we have formed a firm friendship with and will stay in contact with, my children announced it has been the best few days of their lives x happy mama right here x
No TV no iPads no phones just us, just being together
Snuggled round a campfire, walking along the beach, climbing dunes, playing welly toss, whatever it was we were doing we were constantly smiling x :)

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