
By Veronica


After spending all day yesterday outdoors, I felt justified in hanging out at home today, apart from a couple of dozen lengths of the pool. I made ratatouille with home-grown vegetables, and some courgette and cheese soup with an overgrown courgette. Both of which we had for dinner this evening. And now a batch of Danish pastry dough is chilling in the fridge.

Today is Black Cat Appreciation Day, so I was going to blip Mystère, but he wasn't having it. Luckily I had a spare flower blip to hand. Recently there was a rather spurious-sounding report, clearly sponsored by the RSPCA, claiming that more people are rejecting black cats because they don't look good in photos. But it is apparently true that 70% of cats in RSPCA refuges are black or black and white. So if you're going to adopt a cat, adopt a black one!

Since Mystery didn't cooperate, here are some cats that did. I especially admire the photo taken against a dark grey background -- it's beautifully lit.

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