Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Traditions surviving

I have just got back from Scarborough and have had a lovely couple of days. Unfortunately I seem to have picked up another infection so back to the anti biotics. I must get an early night and will comment tomorrow on everybody.

I wanted to give the picture a painting like quality and a vintage feel. The scene reminds me of an old Brueghel painting depicting lots of children and adults playing games and getting on with their business. It is intricate. I remember looking at it when younger and trying to identify all the activities.

On cricket grounds when I was young you could go onto the outfield during lunch and tea. All sorts of cricket games, catching the ball, wandering on the grass took place. As a child I looked forward to this aspect. In the modern game with much commercialisation such relaxed breaks do not happen.

The exceptions are on a small number of out grounds like Scarborough where it is still allowed and it is great to see. Boys with their dad's and Grandad's throwing balls, playing little games of cricket, not doing any harm to the ground. When the call comes to empty the ground because the game is about to restart everyone simply finishes and get back to their seats. Its a lovely simple tradition and it should be preserved.

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