Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


..Zephyr. Oh he is a handsome chap, my boy Zephy. Of all the photos I took of him lying on a cushion in the window, I'd say half were blurry, half were of him playing with my lens cap and this one was my only choice really! (and you can see me holding the camera in reflection!)

It was wonderful having Paul home for the weekend. We're not very good at being apart, he'd only been away a week and a half, but we were all missing him and vice versa. So although he had the journey from hell and it took him almost 11 hours to drive home in the end, it was worth it.

Today we took the kids on an Ingress (game...don't ask) mission around the West End and Town, I managed to sneak in a cake break and a visit to Kelvingrove Art Galleries. Today was the last day of their How Glasgow Flourished exhibition about how Glasgow became the city it is today, very interesting. But it was a very dull day (weather wise) and so the photos I took were not up to much.


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