
By foxfollower

Roquefort and Tomato Tarts

Sometimes with baking, as in the rest of life, you start off with one plan but end up with something quite different. The trick, of course, is to accept what's given to you, rather than worrying about why it didn't turn out as you intended.

So this afternoon my plan was to make a blue cheese and courgette quiche. But the pastry turned out to be quite short and crumbly (possibly because I used some French flour with powdered tomato mixed in, for extra flavour - this is why the pastry looks darker than usual).

It clearly wasn't going to be possible to roll it out thinly enough to fill a big flan tin, or for it to take the filling I'd planned. So I decided to make two small tarts and just go for a simple filling of eggs, cream and some Roquefort cheese, topped with a tomato. Result was judged by Tony to be a great success (although he's biased, of course!)

Tomorrow I shall return to the courgette flan plan, with a conventional shortcrust pastry and a good strong Cheddar (probably Barber's Cruncher) instead of the blue cheese.

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