Leaving Wales

Up at 7am, packed the car with a load of stuff that we are taking to London for Sue.
Stopped at this viewpoint above Blaenavon.. spectacular. Could have stayed there all day.
Drove to Newport and visited Tredegar House, a splendid National Trust property. The Morgan family who lived there for hundreds of years were a very eccentric bunch. The last Lord Tredegar was a gay, Roman Catholic, Occultist who kept a wild menagerie of animals including an Orangutang. His mother was convinced she was a Kingfisher and used to build nests on the dining table and then sit in them... crackers but interesting. I recommend visiting there should you be in the area.

Appalling weather on the drive back home. A deluge of biblical proportions which fortunately cleared as we arrived home.

Will catch up with your journals and comments tonight, tomorrow.

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