
By Norm

With the Babysitter...

Work began on the house today... After the disastrous flooding in January we are finally having a green slate floor laid in our sitting room. If it ever floods again (which fingers crossed it won't, after our drainage work outside is completed) we can just mop up the water from the stone floor; much quicker than this year when the water soaked into the carpet, underlay and chipboard on the floor, taking literally months to dry out!

We spent much of yesterday moving everything out of the sitting room, completing the job once Ted was asleep. So this morning he came downstairs, looked around and WAILED! Once he calmed down I realised the cause of his distress... He was calling 'Bob! Bob!' - he thought his Bob the Builder DVD had disappeared! He was mightily relieved to discover that the TV and DVD player had simply been relocated to the spare room, along with the sofa cushions, to create a cosy corner for slumping. I don't usually let him watch TV until about 4pm (the legendary toddler 'witching hour'!) but today Thomas the Tank Engine was called into babysitting service while I talked to the chaps from the stone company, and again later when I needed to go outside to start repainting the sitting room skirting boards, removed so the floor can be laid.

So today the damp-proof membrane was stuck down and resealed, and tomorrow the slates start to be laid. Exciting times!

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