day of life

By jlang

foodie or photographer

one of my favorite things do is cook, and take pictures and a lot of other things too. i found this recipe in a Men's health magazine at work. after tweaking it a little i love it. i used left over BBQd Alaskan salmon that we caught last summer while guiding i'm a guide in Alaska ... (another thing i love to do...blablabla). Saute onions in olive oil, i added precooked orzo, (the recipe actually called for farro but i haven't found it yet) after the onions are done add tomato sauce or stewed tomato's your preference, add pepper to taste and add the salmon, ( the recipe called for eggs as it was initially a breakfast dish) let salmon heat until tender again and warm through. by the way one of the things i don't like to do is write. or math, i hate math. anyway serve in a bowl or just use the skillet used to cook it in.

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