
By HowWonderful

Today I had my jabs :-(

This morning Mummy and Grannie took me to the doctors to have my six week vaccinations. The doctor gave me a check up and checked my hearing, eyesight, weight, height etc which were all good and healthy. Then the nurse gave me some medicine which I quite enjoyed. I was lying there quite happily cooing and smiling when suddenly that meany nurse stuck two great big needles in to my legs. I cried...Mummy cried....and we both turned to Grannie for a cuddle, after which I felt much better. Mum however is a wuss and it took her a bit longer to get over it all. Afterwards we went for coffee and cake followed by some retail therapy to cheer ourselves up.

This afternoon some good friends of Mummy and Daddy came to visit me. I had lots of cuddles with them all which was lovely. They live far away in Cairns at the moment, I hope I get to see them again soon!

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