Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

The hills are alive...

Every year my mum organises a theatre trip through the church and this was today. We went to Edinburgh to see Connie Fisher in The Sound of Music - it was fantastic!

We got dropped off by the coach this morning near Princes Street, and spent a few hours wandering around the shops before heading to a nice Italian for lunch and then to the Playhouse. I spotted this chap standing on his head in Princes Street (as you do!) and thought he was worthy of today's blip.

The performance was excellent and we were all safely on the bus and ready to head back home at 5.15pm - all except two elderly ladies who had gone missing in action! There was a bit of drama while people searched for them, and they were eventually found waiting patiently at the bus drop off point near Princes Street - they should have been around the corner from the theatre at the pick up point! They were very apologetic and looked pale and cold but at least we got them. So we were about an hour late in getting home.

Kerrsdaddy and Kerr went to visit Granny and Grandad today with Fudge and stayed there all day, catching up with the cousins and Aunties and Uncles.

Today was the longest time I had been away from Kerr for, and I really missed him. I bought him an RSPB cuddly Blackbird which sings when you squeeze it- this will be added to our collection of the other RSPB cuddlies - Bee Eater, Robin, Hoopoe and Blue Tit. (Kerrsdaddy is an avid twitcher!).

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