Jo Co's photo's

By JoCo

Rodeo cowboy

We had the option to do one last ride but it was one that we had already done, so we decided to go on a hike. It wasn't too tough, we are finally getting used to the altitude I think!!

We were back at the ranch in time for lunch (chicken or steak wraps, salad and crisps), then it was time for the rodeo!! I couldn't find my cowboy boots and had to go wearing my trainers - no barrel racing for me!!

The rodeo was awesome - the speed those wranglers can ride those horses - and they don't come out the saddle one bit! I could've watched all day. There was a wheelbarrow race and an egg toss competition too. Scott and Will took part in some of the horse race events, it was a lot of fun...if only I had my boots!

We had to start packing up and I have never been so sad to leave a holiday destination. I have loved every minute of my stay.

Dinner at the ranch was another tasty meal of beef (how much red meat can one person eat in a week!!) followed by a Hootenanny. All the staff take part, it was great entertainment. Christian played guitar with another guy that was brought in for the evening. One of the guests - Johnny from London - also got up and played a few songs to our great delight! Susan was nominated as Rodeo Queen and helped hand out the prize ribbons from the rodeo. Then it was time to start saying goodbyes to staff and to guests.

I will never forget my week at TRR or the people I met there.

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