
By RobinBanneville

Herm Sark and Jethou (reverse sunset)

What I really intended doing this evening was to lie down with my eyes closed and practice my snoring technique ... I'd been going pretty well nonstop from 6:30 AM this morning until about 5:00 PM this afternoon and was just about ready to pass out ...
But, having had a brief rest and then something to eat, I felt energized enough to take a quick walk around Bordeaux and capture the sunset (well, sort of capture the sunset ... the sun had already disappeared behind me when I took this shot ... so I guess it's a sort of "reverse sunset") ...
I used the same built-in creative filter that I used for yesterdays blip, it still has that "dated" appearance, but the image looks a lot less threatening ... It's a weekday and not the weekend of course, so the weather today has been much finer ... :o)

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