Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Back to "civilization"

This is my only shot from today. Giving the camera to a student for a pose with Seth. Sorry its a bit grainy and dark. My battery ran out days ago and I've been taking just enough photos on Seth's camera for blips. The ISO was very high to balance how dark and rainy mucky it was that morning. Rain pouring in sheets and mud coating all.

Packed up, got the horses ready, loaded the trucks and said farewell to Rumi Loma. Sadly I might add, but we'll be back in a few weeks so it is only just temporary. Raul and the guys showed up insisting on helping us get athe trucks out. Its been raining pretty heavy the last few days and they know we are probably going to get stuck.

We've finally cristened the new truck with a name. We put it to the students and it comes back. Introducing el sapo sauve. That translates literally as the smooth toad, our little sapo. Big Blue was kicking up mud in a temper tantrum but made it up. I had a little more trouble navigating in his muddy wake but with a some help from the guys made it up the hill. Rual and Liberato riding on the back bumpers giggling wildly. They love this shit. Liberato got bucked in the mud and they just coulnd't contain themselves.

I got a little too cocky coming down and the mud took hold and spun me right up the bank tilting us almost sideways. Nervous looks from the students. A little faster and we would have flipped. Whooa there cowboy....After that I made it across the creek and up to the edge of the bad part going slow and steady. This is the part I've been worrying about, the road is cut up and gashed horrible here. This is where we got stuck last time. Here goes....

.....roaring like an enraged beast the steering wheel was bucking like a mad bronco. I barely could hold on to it but gunned it all the same through the ruts looking in the rearview as the Rual and the students cheer and run after trailing full of smiles and adrenalin. Made it out. I love this stuff.

This is us, Seth and I. Two weeks in we look a bit dirtier, rugged, and haggard than when we arrived. I haven't shaved for that whole time, my clothes stink, and I am in serious need of a warm shower.

Pat yourself on the back. No one fell off a cliff, was eaten by a puma, gored by a bull, or died of dysentary. What an adventuer. So much fun! I can't believe I get paid for this :)

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