Prime rust to no rust

After being called "RUSTafarian" last night by G and reading the comment from Sefferdog that my photography seems to be a bit rusty lately (haha), I've set a goal to post no rusty bits on blip for the next week. Won't stop me from posting any good bits I see on flickr though!
Spent a couple of hours in the garden this morning then decided to go for a walk in the forest and up the dirt road behind our place. I haven't used the nifty fifty for awhile so decided to take it along. It was so beautiful among the trees and the ferns - one of my very favourite smells is the forest on a hot day. It was mostly peaceful and quiet except for the sounds of ravens conversing, woodpeckers hammering, towhees (or maybe snakes) rustling in the undergrowth, and leaves falling.
Obviously we aren't the only ones getting wood in for the winter. This is one of our neighbour's wood sheds. And like G, he still has a bit of chopping to do.
I slept in our hiking tent last night! G had set it up for Chris to sleep in while he was visiting. Not quite camping in the wilderness since it's set up on our porch, but I loved it - slept like a baby.

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