Never Again

After breakfast we headed off to Englandshire (with a slight detour to drop off requests for postal votes for the referendum since we will be away on holiday).

We were taking the monsters down to see The Wicked Witch just south of Berwick since she has never bothered to visit since The Cygnet was 13 months old and has never seen Squirrel.

There was an interesting caravan when we stopped for fuel.
Somehow, I don't think it would sleep 4.

To delay the inevitable we stopped at Skateraw and walked up towards the reactor to get a view of the Dunbar lifeboat (which harbours in the power stations bay - but is not the one we used to bury SWMBO's father (that was destroyed when it broke its moorings in a fearsome storm in 2008)) looking one way and Barnes Ness Lighthouse the other (with the Bass Rock behind).
Squirrel seemed more interested in wading through the long grass though.

After our short diversion we continued on our journey and true to form, The Wicked Witch wasn't really interested in her Great Grandchildren she was far more interested in PD.
We were dragged out for the kids to play in the park (Squirrel did her Kilroy Woz 'Ere impression) even though she had been told it was the kids lunchtime.
Then the dog needed walked (Squirrel gives PD no slack!!!) so it was an hour and a half after their lunchtime before it was ordained time to be fed.

I was beginning to get rather angry by this time so as soon as the torrential rain stopped (which had appeared out of blue skies and started like a bucket of water being thrown at us) it was time to leave.
The final nail in the coffin for the trip was the fact that she never even said goodbye to the kids let alone give then a kiss or a hug.

Maybe it was just as well the kids slept and PD watched life go by while I ranted and raved on the way home.

But at least we can take the moral high ground and say we have done our duty - but it will NEVER happen again!!!!

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