
By Nigel

All Seeing Eye

OK, so technically I didn't really manage to finish the eye but the general pyramid/eye idea is conveyed I think.

Had a terrible day for the most part. Client managed to give me an enormous amount of work in the space of a sentence that started 'It's just struck me that the whole process is flawed...'. Unfortunately I agreed to this work on a fixed fee and general good will basis but it's growing not just arms and legs but octopoid tentacles.

I went out for a stroll in the early evening as I am not leaving the house any where near enough at the minute and there were a lot of misty blips in evidence. By the time I got out there were mainly rugby fans in evidence and when I set up my camera the battery died immediately and thanked heaven I had brought a spare with me. THen remembered I still hadn't taken that bag out of the back of Jen's car on Wednesday.

My recent attempts at mayonaise have been so good that I have become complacent and I ended up with runny oil to go with my salad which was not what was intended and spoilt that also.

Hopefully things will pick up tomorrow.

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