Dulce Cor

Sweetheart Abbey was founded in 1273 by Lady Dervorgilla of Galloway in memory of her husband John Balliol.

On her death, she was laid to rest next to her husband’s embalmed heart and the monks named their abbey in memory of her.

This plate comes from Raiderland - by Samuel Rutherford Crockett (who died 100 years ago this year.) * The illustrative work is by the American, Joseph Pennell.

Crockett's affectatious style led him to call the abbey "Dulce Cor" in all his writings.

* (Crockett died at Tarascon, just the other side of the Rhone from Avignon, while on holiday in April 1914. The not-little matter of the War meant the business of getting his body back to Galloway for internment in Balmaghie Kirkyard took some time!)

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