Piazza Tasso
Corso Italia, Near Piazzo Tasso, Sorrento
Our last full day. Cath wanted to hop over to Sorrento in order to buy prezzies to take back. While this was going on, I hung around the doorway of whatever shop she was in having set the cam to 24mm with focus at 7', and hip shot whatever developed in front of me.
The afternoon was more pool time, so I cleared off back towards Torca. Going through the small village I hit upon a path which took me into a small field of olive trees. The path ended by a shed, a bike and a ladder lent on a tree. It led nowhere else. So retracing my steps I found another, narrower path and followed that. It brought me onto a tarmacked road and I merrily wandered along down the slope until that road terminated too. The first pair of eyes to detect my whereabouts belonged to what I guess was a Doberman. Then I heard voices. None of the words made sense but it seemed highly probable all the voices were meant for me. I figured I had better make my apologies and beat a retreat before the dog was given instructions.
I followed the sound of the voices and in 10 yards was stood upon an open patio with slatted roof and in the presence of a shorter lady and a man and woman of about 70 years sat upon a garden bench with parasol. I went about my explanation, chucking in a gag and a giggle and gesturing with wide arms or two fingers walking. My message got across and we all laughed and smiled too. Then I was offered a coffee or aqua. On thanking the lady for the latter we carried on our conversation. No I hadn't got lost going to Crapolla, I had been there yesterday. Very steep scala. I had walked from Sant'Agata. Yes, molto verde and yes molto caldo.
After accepting a second glass of aqua into which my host emptied the juice of a chopped lemon, I bid them all farewell. I was cross as I departed that I had not asked for consent to take their photo, but as luck would have it, I remembered I had left my sunglasses on the table. There was my excuse to return and pop the question.
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