To Yell and Back

By Tirrick

Raindrops on Roses

Okay, I couldn't think of another title...

After sitting in another horrendous queue for the FRB, very glad to get home - not so bad that good food and a glass of wine couldn't come up with a cure, but it's been a long day, and I missed the rainbow - glad to get a shot on the doorstep (almost).

For today's track

from Chris Brookmyre's Pandaemonium:

Cameron just hopes Radar doesn’t blow his wad too early by playing ‘Mogwai Fear Satan’ while there’s still tumbleweed blowing about the place. He and Radar made their own dance mix of it on Radar’s PC a couple of months back. Took them the best part of a weekend. Album version lasts sixteen minutes; theirs is pushing half an hour, but it’s ******* amazing. Perfect for a night like this. He really, really wants to dance to it, lose himself in it, but it would be all the better if it wasn’t ******* Radar, Ewan or Adnan he ended up dancing with.

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