Great SpunkedOnTits, erm, Junction Street

This morning I am calm. Certain things are out-with my control.

What has made me un-calm?

August has been pretty full on, always something on, always doing something, plenty emotions of all forms, job front risk taking, blah. Blah. Blah.

What has made me calm?

I started to slow down last week. I've had lots to do but I've gotten the bulk out the way, just like eating all the stuff on your plate and leaving one last perfectly shaped morsel (containing all your favourite bits) of food which although may be a little too big will give maximum taste and satisfaction.

Today is that morsel of food.

I have nothing to do other than await a call and pick up the kids & take them to swimming.

The photo above was taken as a result of me not rushing. I mentioned earlier that I had begun slowing down last week. Well, this week, I feel I've found my natural pace, my intended state in life for happiness and contentment. I have space to manoeuvre, albeit limited. And by that I mean I have a couple weeks before not having a job becomes a rather large issue.

So, back to pace and the photo; this piece of graffiti is on the walk to school. The walk is usually a cycle. But even when its a walk, it's fast. I generally notice things but I haven't noticed this before. It's probably new, and there have been the summer holidays and I walk on the other side of the street when not travelling to school with the kids. Lots of reasons for me not to have seen it then...
There's something about it that chimes with me though, there was something poignant about me seeing it, my brain absorbing it, something almost endorphin-giving.

The past. This Phrase. Memory Lane. That specific past, named like that, is sun dappled, hazy, summer, playing, out all day, no cares worries or fears. It's a really young past, made old by time.

This painting made me happy and triggered all these thoughts and evaluation as to why I was feeling far better than I was yesterday and a million times better than last week.

I'm in love and I have people that love me. I'm a lucky guy and sometimes we just don't get the time to appreciate it.

A cool phrase a pal of mine put on Farceboak this morning is as follows:

Remember folks, panic is just doing nothing really quickly.

I'm not sure of the source, but there're myriad of ideas and thoughts going round in my head and they are all tying in together...

Or, maybe I'm just feeling good cause I paid off my tax bill yesterday.

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