
By bivbov

Farewell lunch

We won't see Z.Q for a few days - he's off to warmer climes, lucky thing!!! We thought it would be nice to have lunch at Pizza Express (his fave!) before he goes. N.N was a bit tired, which generally means he's a handful. Luckily he wasn't too hard to handle. He shouted at Zac for drinking his water (even though he didn't want it!) and pointed at a lady on the next table stating loudly "she looks like my Nanna" (who happens to be in her mid 80's)!! I don't think she minded - she wouldn't know how old his Nanna is!!! He didn't eat his pasta but enjoyed his cucumber, dough balls and ice cream. Z.Q ate everything but his cucumber.........he's a growing lad!

Other important news - my new running shoes came! I'll try them out later!!

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