Day 90 - Blue Skies
Addenbrooke's Hospital 07:26
After almost three weeks of trying to get back to Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital I've been promised that there will be a bed there for me tomorrow. To be honest the three weeks at Addenbrookes has sorted out a few problems that may well not have been sorted out at QVM, but now it's definitely time to move on. It'll mean I'll be back in Hertfordshire and therefore in direct contact with those who can put in place what is required for me to go home. Unfortunately from a blip point of view it means I'll have no internet access, so this will be the last blip for a while. Hopefully the next blip will be "Day nnn - Home".
Many thanks for all your supportive comments, the really have meant a lot to me, thank you very much. Hopefully I'll be back in blipland soon.
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