Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Où est la douleur?

Sorry if that's the wrong French translation, I did German at school. ;)

A is doing first aid at the France vs Scotland match today. We had to set an alarm on a SUNDAY to get up. I was less than impressed. But good for him for doing it (unpaid....ahem....)

Went to my baby cousins (she's 21...) to borrow her copies of New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn since apparantly I'm as obsessed as everyone else with this Twlight malarky... She gave me the latter two but couldn't find her copy of New Moon (the 2nd book) so I trudged into three places before I got a copy that wasn't
A) The film version
B) £8 quid (I'm looking at you WH Smith)
or C) with the front cover ripped

So now since I've bought the second one I'm going to end up with the others aren't I? And I'm taping The Vampire Diaries tonight on ITV2. Ugh....I've become a vampire loving, Edward swooning teeny bop. Damn.

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