Holiday Money & Jabs

Holiday money for October has arrived and tomorrow I get my jabs. Mostly need Hepatitis B but I'll take my little jab booklet so she can check the rest of them.
The Money is Omani Riyals and early October I'm off to Muscat with a crowd of others from the RAF Masirah and RAF Salalah Association. We were all stationed at RAF Masirah or RAF Salalah, or both in some cases, in the 50's, 60's and 70's.

I've mentioned some of this before so apologies for the boring bit!!

2 days in Muscat, where we will also be attending a reception at the British Embassy, and then off to Masirah overland. That will take us through desert but I, and a few others, have opted for a night stopover about half way at a hotel on the beach of the Arabian sea.
We get to Shann'a where we have a 1.5 hour ferry trip across the Masirah Straits to the island.
After a couple of days in Masirah we then set off for Salalah, again with a night stopover for some of us.
The reason I want the stopovers is that I HATE travelling by coach with a vengeance, I'm ok with aircraft but since as early as I can remember I have suffered from travel sickness on buses and coaches. I've got my Sea Bands which helped me with the 'Seacat' from Boulogne to Dover a few years ago.

While we are staying in Salalah we hope to lay a wreath at the site of the Battle of Mirbat where 9 SAS held off 400 rebels until reinforcements arrived, 3 of them perished during the battle.

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