
By RobinBanneville

Not My Original Blip (thank goodness)

This wasn't originally going to be my blip for today ...
My original blip was actually a bit of a grump ... It was bemoaning the decline of summer and the apparent premature arrival of of autumn ...
In fact my original blip was a lone tree, surrounded by clusters of dead, brown leaves ...
But at eight o'clock this evening, I changed my mind and went for a quick drive ... I was back home by just after eight thirty, yet during that half hour I managed to capture this rather nice sunset ...
In fact I managed to take several shots with and without the use of the cameras built-in magic creative filters ... This image, however, was the first one I took and which was taken without any creative filters - and, believe it or not, the most understated ...
But who needs to "exaggerate" a sunset like this ?? ... :o)

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