
Everyone knows how wet it gets in the Lake District.. except Elvis. He has lived in his tank on the windowsill of Elterwater Hostel for the past 21 years. When he arrived, he was the size of a 50p piece, and now he is about as big as my hand. I had a long discussion about him yesterday with the hostel warden, who occasionally frets about whether his tank isn't big enough, or his life not as exciting as it could be. Sometimes he rearranges the rocks and tries out new turtle foods, but Elvis seems unimpressed. When I tried to take his photo, he kept retreating into his shell or turning his back on me. I had to gain his trust ;-).
So it's lunchtime and we have eaten our sandwiches in the hostel. We walked about 7 miles this morning and got extremely wet. I'm making friends with Elvis while my clothes steam in the drying room. Soon, I think we might hit the flesh pots of Ambleside. (That's me and Sarah - Elvis will be staying in Elterwater.)

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