Little sleep was not a good start to a day of packing and travelling. Accordingly I was a bit sleepy when, on gathering up the kids' swimsuits from the terrace, I spotted a passport on the ground. And it was Mr B's (which lives in his wallet). It seemed unlikely that he had left his passport on the terrace and a quick further search revealed his (slightly chewed) wallet and various parking receipts scattered nearby. There have been a series of chewing incidents this holiday (my favourite flip flops being an early casualty) so you'd think Mr B would know not to leave his wallet outside. I mean that should apply in any circumstances, but certainly when local dogs are wandering around chewing stuff in the night.
Anyway, no real harm done - or so we thought...
Later, proper packing, fond farewells and a fairly low stress drive to the airport. With internet check in broken yesterday, the queue for boarding passes was long, but Mr B magicked us to the front and got us good seats and extra time in the lounge (which CarbBoy pronounced his favourite yet - mainly because he could get chocolate milk and cornflakes).
Bumpy flight, but no vomiting from our party despite the excessive consumption of everything the lounge had to offer, and back to Toulouse to collect the car from the prepaid parking lot with the parking ticket that was in Mr B's wallet. Correct tense. It was in Mr B's wallet. And then it was in a bit of an Almunecar garden that I hadn't checked.... Happily the parking chap at Toulouse airport responded to my tale of woe about a stolen wallet (and happily TallGirl resisted the urge to point out to him that it had been stolen by a dog) and gave us a new ticket.
Home then to inspect the garden (Bignonne - spelling? - flowers finally coming out) and harvest some goodies. The green zebra tomatoes and yellow pears are from my garden (they had been blown horizontal but seemed fine) as are the soft fruit. There would have been more fruit but TallGirl scoffed most of the rasps on the long walk back from the veg garden, CarbBoy ate more blackberries than I ever thought possible, and most of the grapes have been nibbled by something slimy. The avocados are of course freshly imported from Almunecar and will be a delightful reminder of our holiday when they ripen.
Our post-holiday diet started straight away with a pizza dinner.... Hmmmm, maybe tomorrow?
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