Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Stranger on the Shore

Walberswick Beach.

This morning was bright and fairly warm with long spells of sunshine. We drove over to Walberswick and spent a couple of hours crabbing. Unfortunately the tide was going out and, although we got plenty of nibbles, we didn't manage to actually reel any crabs far enough out of the water to be able to get them into the net or bucket. We walked into the village for lunch and then as the sun was still out decided to go down to the beach for a while. We weren't expecting the force 10 gale which made it impossible even to hammer in the wind break and filled our eyes, ears and mouths with sand. Poppy was brave enough to get her cossie on and splash around in the sea while the rest of us cowered in the dunes. It soon became unbearable though, although it didn't seem to bother this artist who was obviously quite used to sandstorms. We headed into Southwold for a spot of shopping then back to the hotel for showers.

About to go down for a drink and dinner and a few hands of cards.

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