
By jillington

Stop it!

Bad kitty.

Occasionally I knit a shawl that is too big to block on my foam squares so I drape it across the guest bed, pin it out to the size I want and leave it to dry. Works great. Until Smitty figured out that it's a blast pulling out the pins and flinging them around the room while simultaneously digging her super sharp claws into the mattress through my delicate alpaca yarn that took an insane length of time to knit. Errrr. So I kicked her out of the room and re-did the whole thing (including fixing the spot where she pulled a string), spritzed it with a bit more water and shut the door. Alas, you guessed it, out of habit I pushed the door wide open and left it when I went in there to get a stamp out of the desk. She must have been lurking because when I came back in, the little pain-in-the-rear was busy doing her thing. After that I folded the shawl up and put it in a drawer. Now she's laying on the couch next to me purring like mad. Very proud of herself.

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