Inner Sense

By FranklyFrank

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This sign is hanging in our garden. I like the weathering and the faded colours but wonder what it said in its prime. I presume the previous owners had a reason for hanging it up. It is in quite a prominent position too. I will have to think of something to paint onto it.

Today the shower glass arrived only not actually at our house. Mrs G. and No 3 daughter were off island on a shopping trip while I waited for the glass man. He did eventually email and say the glass had arrived and he'd be around first thing tomorrow. So stay tuned.

While I was waiting I did manage to construct two compost bins. I am not especially proud of my handiwork - it will not be winning any prizes for beauty. However it is made up of wood I found on the property and a number of pallets that I got free from the local lumber yard. It doesn't matter, I know, just as long as it works.

Now we are off to meet some friends for dinner. They've sailed into Ganges marina on Salt Spring so we are meeting at one of the restaurants there.

This is my entry in the Thoughtful Thursday challenge...

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