Watch Cat

This is what awaits any interloper who dares to visit Lizzie’s yard. I’m sure she looks frightening from the other side of the glass. She absolutely doesn’t like any other cats in her yard but she never goes outside the yard looking for them. It’s her yard, and that’s all there is to that. I’m kind of glad she doesn’t seem interested in leaving her own space, but I do wish she’d run around the house a few times for some exercise. She’ll have none of that though. She just wants to sit, inside or outside, and watch.

How she ever worked up enough energy to catch a mouse last week I’ll never know. This weekend I have to take my bookcases apart and clean behind them since, in the process of chasing Sidney the mouse around, I discovered a small cache of nuts back there from the squirrel food bag. I’m hoping I don’t find Sidney’s atrophied little body back there as well. I think/hope he escaped to the outside and is back with his family recounting his big adventure.

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