
By Veronica

Blue lips

Once again, the final show of the summer was somewhat experimental. I can't imagine why the organisers thought it was appropriate for our village. I enjoy almost any type of music if it's played with passion and skill, but this left me cold (metaphorically rather than literally this time). We arrived five minutes after it started, and members of the scanty audience were already leaving ... we gave it ten minutes before going home, and I noticed they'd stopped playing after less than an hour. I'm sure they believe in what they do, but to appreciate it properly you'd have to have had more to drink/smoke than we'd had at our neighbour Christophe's copious apero/wine-tasting.

They were a duo; her partner played a cello wearing a Sergeant Pepper-style white satin jacket, very 60s. Can anyone tell me what the instrument she's playing is? She's wearing it like a guitar, but it has keys and no strings as far as I can see.

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