
By ScarletMonkey

Stormy weather

It's monsoon season so the weather changes from bright and sunny to crazy wind and rain in seconds and back again. These were taken at Hong Kong airport after I had just missed my connection, been given a meal voucher that wasn't quite enough for a meal and drink and been sent to the wrong place twice.

Little did I know what awaited me. I was re-routed through Bangkok which meant an extra flight. That flight was delayed as the they couldn't get the stairs off the plane, so I was taken in one of the little buggies through the 1.3km of Bangkok airport to get from international arrival to domestic departures. I then had to go through a boarding pass queue (at which point the flight said 'boarding'), immigration and security and then run to the gate.

After landing in Chiang Mai it transpired that my luggage had not arrived with me and the barcoded tag that is supposed to help them find it I was never given in London. They thought it was either in HK or Bangkok. In the end I got to the house of the teachers I am staying with around 7 hours later than planned.

Luckily new work took pity on me and said I could have the next day off. I am not flying with Cathay Pacific again if I can help it!

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